Monday, September 3, 2012

RABIES (2010) movie review

Rabies (aka Kalevet)(2010) d. Keshales, Aharon/Papushado, Navot

The title is a bit of a distraction, but I certainly went mad for this flick, billed as Israel’s first horror effort. (If this is any indication of the blood-blasting instincts of the Promised Land’s population, I say hand over the checkbook and let these kids rock the house.) A group of teens en route to a tennis match, a park ranger and his girlfriend, a homicidal killer and his victim and her brother, and two police officers cross paths again and again and again, with stunning and surprising results. In serving a superbly twisted screenplay in all senses of the word, a wealth of memorable stock characters are tossed together and, through an Altman-like series of close encounters, proceed to slice, dice, hack, shoot and smash each other to bits. Sure there are more than a few scenarios that we’ve seen before in Western horror efforts, but to my mind, half the fun is watching Keshales and Papushado put their own particular stamp on the clichés. Highly recommended.

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